名人媒体基金会(Celebrity Media Foundation)的使命是遵循《联合国宪章》支持联合国维护世界和平、开展国际事务和赞助国际公益事业。名人媒体基金会(Celebrity Media Foundation)在热心的志愿者和慈善家志愿支持下运作,我们的共识是:有必要弘扬和支持那些致力于改善全球社会状况的名人、慈善机构和个人参与国际公益活动。
名人媒体基金会(Celebrity Media Foundation)在力所能及的情况下,为联合国国际事务和公益事业提供资金支持,包括提供慈善捐赠,以及支持宣传、教育,倡导名人、慈善家支持改善全球气候变化,儿童受教育,环境保护和其他重要领域。
名人媒体基金会(Celebrity Media Foundation)致力于全球公益事业的良好进展并推动国际上有影响力的慈善机构和名人为国际事务慈善公益活动提供高标准的慈善支持;与世界各地的非营利组织、慈善家合作以推动国际公益事业的发展。
 名人媒体基金会(Celebrity Media Foundation)所属的网络平台简称名人媒体,与联合国新闻中心六种联合国官方语言的媒体建立名人媒体联盟,从事以联合国新闻为主的世界各国新闻的采编发布业务。
 名人媒体基金会(Celebrity Media Foundation)作为运营网络电视的免税非营利媒体机构,期待有
名人媒体为了适应AI智能时代的发展需要,使用AI机器人提供联合国六种官方语言,为联合国相关机构、非政府组织、以及有需要的用户提供新闻发布、视频播放等有偿服务,用以支持名人媒体基金会(Celebrity Media Foundation)派出的摄影记者、视频编辑、图文编辑以及志愿者艰苦的劳动付出。
 Mr.Vincent  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
 Phone: 646-319-6718
 Mr. Enze Bai This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 Phone: 917-443-5826

AI Academy 名人媒体AI学院

联合国秘书长古特雷斯 2024年6 月24日在纽约对记者说:五项原则——社会信任和韧性;独立、自由和多元化的媒体;健康的激励措施;透明度和研究;以及公众赋权——基于更加人性化的信息生态系统的首要景。




The Celebrity Media AI Academy is an institution focused on the use and educational training of artificial intelligence technologies. We are committed to utilizing advanced AI to support and promote the United Nations' international affairs and public welfare initiatives. As AI rapidly evolves, its impact on the global economy, society, politics, and ethics has become increasingly significant, transcending traditional regulations and national boundaries. This underscores the necessity for establishing a professional organization to ensure the ethical use and continued development of AI technologies.

The Celebrity Media AI Academy offers professional training and educational programs aimed at developing AI experts and practitioners with a strong sense of social responsibility. Our courses cover the fundamentals of AI technology, its application in international affairs, and the creation of AI ethics and policies. Additionally, we collaborate with institutions and experts worldwide to promote the development of internationally recognized standards and ethical policies for AI use.

Through education, research, and international collaboration, the Celebrity Media AI Academy aims to lead and support the responsible use of AI technology globally, fostering its healthy development and providing intelligent solutions for global challenges. We believe that the power of intelligent technology can significantly enhance international cooperation and the advancement of public welfare initiatives.