

这次重要会议探讨了“通过科学、技术和创新促进教育,实现我们想要的非洲”的主题,强调教育、投资和合作在释放非洲在这些领域的潜力方面发挥的关键作用。2024 年非洲对话的重点是“非洲教育 5.0”,与非洲联盟的优先事项保持一致,并利用伙伴关系就可持续发展目标的教育、科学、技术和创新进行战略对话。

此次对话由联合国非洲问题特别顾问办公室 (OSAA) 和非洲联盟常驻联合国观察团及其合作伙伴共同组织。对话旨在成为一个互动和前瞻性的平台,以制定可行的战略来加速非洲的发展。对话强调了联合国及其合作伙伴致力于将教育、科学、技术和创新作为非洲可持续发展的关键驱动力。来自各个领域的利益相关方均受邀参加这场变革性的讨论,该讨论有望为非洲大陆塑造一个充满希望的未来。

此次高级别政策对话强调了解决教育投资不足问题以及为非洲青年提供可持续发展和就业机会的承诺。此次活动标志着 2024 年非洲对话系列的巅峰,预示着塑造非洲大陆的未来。

AI Academy 名人媒体AI学院

联合国秘书长古特雷斯 2024年6 月24日在纽约对记者说:五项原则——社会信任和韧性;独立、自由和多元化的媒体;健康的激励措施;透明度和研究;以及公众赋权——基于更加人性化的信息生态系统的首要景。




The Celebrity Media AI Academy is an institution focused on the use and educational training of artificial intelligence technologies. We are committed to utilizing advanced AI to support and promote the United Nations' international affairs and public welfare initiatives. As AI rapidly evolves, its impact on the global economy, society, politics, and ethics has become increasingly significant, transcending traditional regulations and national boundaries. This underscores the necessity for establishing a professional organization to ensure the ethical use and continued development of AI technologies.

The Celebrity Media AI Academy offers professional training and educational programs aimed at developing AI experts and practitioners with a strong sense of social responsibility. Our courses cover the fundamentals of AI technology, its application in international affairs, and the creation of AI ethics and policies. Additionally, we collaborate with institutions and experts worldwide to promote the development of internationally recognized standards and ethical policies for AI use.

Through education, research, and international collaboration, the Celebrity Media AI Academy aims to lead and support the responsible use of AI technology globally, fostering its healthy development and providing intelligent solutions for global challenges. We believe that the power of intelligent technology can significantly enhance international cooperation and the advancement of public welfare initiatives.